Blog Articles

From The Course: Understanding Your Beliefs
What Is an Opinion?
An opinion is an expressed or personally held viewpoint based on your current understanding of a subject, behavior, or action. An opinion is a personal judgment regarding your current position on a specific...
From The Course: Understanding Your Beliefs
Why Do People Avoid Self-Improvement?
People avoid self-improvement because it puts their identity, beliefs, and behaviors on the spot and under a microscope and may and most probably would expose certain parts of their personality that they...
From The Course: Understanding Your Beliefs
What Is Transforming or Transformation?
To transform ourselves means to make an extraordinary or dramatic change to your appearance, character, and/or personality. This also applies to your thinking and beliefs. When you transform your mind,...
From The Course: Understanding Your Beliefs
Surround Yourself with Quality People
Surround yourself with quality people and respectfully ignore and not give attention to negative people, as much as possible. Negativity is like a virus; if you are not required to be around it, then you...