What Is Doubt?

What Is Doubt?

Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty, a lack of confidence in your decisions, actions, or abilities.

Doubt is the mental state you are in when you are unsure or hesitating. We doubt because we are comparing ourselves, our progress, or our predictions against something, somebody, or some event or experience. These comparisons are based off of our perception of our recollection or memory recall associated with the event we are doubting.

Doubt is that feeling of inadequacy in our ability to do something. Doubt is lacking the certainty that we can perform or accomplish future specific and nonspecific actions.

If you want to remove doubt, you need to convince yourself; to come up with better, more compelling reasons, more solid, indisputable, and believable evidence. You need to dispel any contrary and conflicting thoughts that are blocking you from having an unshakeable knowing that your belief is a verifiable certainty and your doubt will be eliminated or minimized. It will just be a matter of repetitive self-programming and determination to get the new process installed so that we gain the confidence along with proof that we will generate and experience when we apply ourselves to real-world situations. This is where your level of commitment will reveal itself.

How do we overcome these doubts? First off, we need to know what we want to be certain, or sure of, and confident about. We need to stop asking for permission and validation from others. As best we can, we should eliminate negative people and negative media from our environment or don’t let their negativity influence us because that is where the seeds of doubt begin to germinate. We also need to stop the negativity we generate with our own thinking habits. We need to open our eyes and senses and be aware, and we have to trust ourselves. We are the best person to come up with solutions for our issues, but we must have a plan and the creativity to get us to overcome doubt and replace that doubt with certainty and confidence.

Our memories and how we interpret them are the root cause of doubt. And also, it is worth mentioning that if you have doubts about your level of skill or abilities in a particular area; then doubt may be a way of telling you indirectly that you may need more studying, practice and experience. Use common sense when you are analyzing the reasons for your doubts. Remember that you want to be accurate and honest when assessing yourself.

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