From The Course: Understanding Your Beliefs

What Is Transforming or Transformation?

To transform ourselves means to make an extraordinary or dramatic change to your appearance, character, and/or personality. This also applies to your thinking and beliefs. When you transform your mind, you have to acknowledge that all aspects of it are formless as far as we can perceive. You must accept that you can take this unseen and transform yourself by using your beliefs and by taking focused actions and turn your desires into what you and everyone else can see, perceive or sense that it is real.

Your thoughts do attract things by influencing your thinking patterns and behavior and that lets you bring your wants and desires into reality in the real world if persistently acted upon with intelligent action.

The Latin prefix “trans” means beyond or through. We can transform what we envision from formless to form. Our mind cannot be located, but we know how to use it and we believe it does exist. We know it is somewhere, even if we cannot explain precisely where its location resides. It is a common assumption that the mind is in our head, maybe because that is where our brain is, along with the majority of our senses, where a lot of our sensory input takes place; seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, but do we really know? It is assumed, but by what criteria? Common knowledge based on what? If the brain is a receiver, then the signals are coming from where?

Our mind is a tool that enables us to think, and therefore we should use it responsibly to create and transform ourselves.

We can look at our transformation as a mental makeover. We keep what we like and enhance or improve on the aspects that we determine or think need improvement. In that way, we raise our self-esteem and make our situation or experience better according to our standards.

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